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Brands are about more than a logo, a typeface or a colour palette- they’re about relationships and personality.

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Here are three key things we focus on when it comes to branding for our clients


Brand Personality

A strong brand personality helps a business stand out in the marketplace and connect with its target audience on an emotional level. We help our clients discover their character and personality and express both through tone of voice, design and imagery.


Brand Positioning

We help our clients define their brand positioning in the market, including their target audience, value proposition and key differentiators. We work with them to create clear and well-defined brand positioning that helps the stand out in the marketplace and attract the right customers.


Brand Consistency

We help our clients maintain a consistent brand identity across all touchpoints, from marketing material, website, customer experience and social media presence. By ensuring consistency, we help our clients build trust and credibility with their customers and reinforce their brand identity.

It’s the way that you say it

We know that when your customer sees an ad, a website or anything related to your brand, you’re telling a story about who you are, what you stand for and how you can benefit them. If your packing is elegant and sophisticated, your customers know you’re offering something premium they can indulge in But even value brand need to look good. If their collateral looks cheap and poorly thought-out, it can be as off-putting as bad service.

Frequently Asked Question

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The Axe Digital creative audit is a crucial step in the methodology of our branding services. Our team will perform a comprehensive review of all your current creative assets and design elements in order to gain a deep understanding of the current state of your brand strategy. Specific elements of evaluation include deployment across channels, market fit, specific creative assets and landing pages. We then use these findings to inform the deployment of an insightful brand strategy and corresponding creative assets to grab the attention of your target and grow your business. 

A landing page is typically a standalone web page that is designed and generated in connection to a specific marketing or advertising campaign. This page is where the customer will land when they click through any ad, social post, or blog that will be part of the campaign. This can help with revenue attribution and lead generation as well. Landing pages are designed with a single objective or conversion goal in mind, such as a newsletter sign-up or content information collection.

Brand guidelines are essentially a set of established rules that determine the appearance of your brand in a given situation. Some of the basic information that may be included is an overview of your brand’s history, vision and personality, as well as key values such as colours, fonts and images that are to be used. This helps to ensure that there is consistency in how your brand is displayed across a variety of channels, thereby increasing the brand awareness and recognition of your customers. Brand guidelines are also sometimes referred to as brand standards, a style guide, or a brand book. 

Here are the steps we take to make your branding and marketing more powerful:


Before a contract is ever signed, we pop the hood on your business with a detailed audit. You get an in-depth report on what’s working, what’s not, and what opportunities we’ve found for serious growth.


Based on our audit of your current creative assets as well as competitive analysis, we’ll craft a creative brief and detailed strategy.
This will guide us in our collaboration with you to fill gaps, correct inconsistencies, and deliver stunning visuals for your brand.


Our team gets to work creating designs and assets for use across your marketing campaigns.
You get a cohesive, beautiful brand identity that leaves a resounding impression on your audience.

Results, Rinse, Repeat

Enjoy a consistent revenue increase as your attention to new and existing customers with your brand aesthetic
As a part of our ongoing partnership, our team is always ready to deliver new assets and optimize old ones as strategies shift.